Language and Future Academic Conference and the 4th Emerging Scholars’ Workshop


Multiple languages for intercultural communication

Language and Future Academic Conference is an interdisciplinary conference in language policy research. This year, the Conference and its 4th Emerging Scholars’ Workshop will be hosted by School of Foreign Languages at Southeast University, Institute of Linguistics at Shanghai International Studies University, and Faculty of Education at The University of Hong Kong. The conference breaks disciplinary boundaries and stimulates intellectual exchanges among scholars from various disciplines in which languages play an important role.

We have published the tentative program schedule of the conference. We are now inviting you to join this academic event so that you may have an opportunity to exchange scholarly ideas with our presenters and renowned academics.

This year, the conference’s theme is ‘multiple languages for intercultural communication’ to reflect burgeoning issues in language policy research in China and other parts of the world. The conference highlights China’s Belt and Road (B&R) initiative and the multilingual, multicultural challenges that the B&R initiative presents to China. Through intellectual exchanges, the conference encourages responses from multiple perspectives to these challenges in the language-related policy-making process and policy implementation. The conference will invite distinguished international scholars to discuss research methods, paradigms and trends, and to analyze real-life language policy cases. The workshop aims to bring an opportunity to emerging scholars to have productive conversations with established academics in language policy, sociolinguistics, education and other relevant disciplines.


■August 26, 2017 (Sat) 8:30-20:30

■August 27, 2017 (Sun) 8:30-16:30


■Jiulonghu Campus, Southeast University, Nanjing China

Plenary speakers:

■Prof. Li Wei, University College London, UK; Editor of Applied Linguistics Review and International Journal of Bilingualism

■Prof. Zhu Hua, Birbeck, University of London, UK

■Dr. Peter De Costa, Michigan State University, US; Co-editor of TESOL Quarterly

■Dr. Gu Ming-yue, Assistant Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

■Prof. Chen Jianlin, Shanghai International Studies University, China

■Dr. Gao Jian, Associate Professor, Southeast University, China

■Dr. Gao Xuesong (Andy), Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong, China; Co-editor of System

■Dr. Zheng Yongyan, Associate Professor, Fudan University, China


■Keynotes: (1)Multilingual challenges in China’s tertiary institutions: How to respond to business corporations’ language needs for the Belt and Road initiatives; (2)The linguistic entrepreneur and English as a lingua franca: problems, prospects and possibilities for intercultural communication in a multilingual world; (3)At the cross-road of theory and practice in the field of intercultural communication; (4)Language planning and its implications on FLT reform in China; (5) Chinese humanities and social sciences scholars’ language choices in international scholarly publishing; (6) Multilingualism, mobility and identity: a multi-level analysis; (7) Translanguaging: Understanding language practices and language learning in the 21st century

■Research and publication workshop: Please see the Tentative Schedule attached

Medium of presentation: English and/or Chinese

Target participants: academics and research postgraduate students in applied linguistics, education, political science, cultural studies, etc.

Registration fee: CNY800

Student registration fee: CNY400 (Please provide a copy of your student card or other supporting documents)

To secure your seat, please download and complete the Reply Slip and send it to at your earliest convenience.

Person-in-charge: Dr. Gao Xuesong (Andy):

Conference website:

School of Foreign Languages, Southeast Universityhttp:

Institute of Linguistics, Shanghai International Studies University

Research Center for Foreign Language Strategies, State Language Commission


July 2017

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