2016 SEU-UT English Immersion Summer Camp Opens


The opening ceremony of 2016 SEU-UT English Immersion Summer Camp was held in Runliang Auditorium, Jiulonghu Campus on June 27. A delegation of 10 faculty members and 16 students from the University of Tennessee and some 290 SEU students attended the ceremony. Attendees also include honorable guests who are Pu Yuepu, Vice President of SEU; Wu Juan, Deputy Director of the Office of Teaching Affairs; Xu Jian, Deputy Dean of the College of International Students; Chen Meihua, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages; and Ma Dongmei, Deputy Dean of the School of Foreign Languages. The ceremony was chaired by Zhu Shanhua, Deputy Dean of the School of Foreign Languages.

During the ceremony, Professor Pu Yuepu, Vice President of SEU, Professor Tom Broadhead, Head of UT delegation, and Chen Meihua, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, delivered their speeches, in which they all reviewed the great success of the first summer camp in 2015 and extended good wishes to the approaching one this year.  After Mr. Pu Yuepu declared 2016 SEU-UT English Immersion Summer Camp open, a group photo was taken to mark the end of the opening ceremony.

By attending classes conducted by qualified teachers and facilitated by student volunteers from UT during this two-week summer camp, SEU students will explore American culture and develop English language competence as well. We have good reasons to believe that the 2016 SEU-UT English Immersion Summer Camp will turn out to be fun and rewarding to both UT and SEU students and teachers.

(By Wang Ting)

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