The representative of the Dante Alighieri Society visited School of Foreign Language of SEU


On the morning of October 29th, Carlo d’imporzano, Chief Representatives of the Dante Alighieri Society (Società Dante Alighieri SDA) in China and Beta, project manager visited School of Foreign languages (SFL) to discuss about collaboration between SFL and SDA. They received a warm reception from Prof. Chen Meihua, Dean of SFL, Mr. Ma Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and prof. Liu Kehua, Vice-dean of SFL.

The meeting was held in Japanese language & culture center of SFL. At the beginning, Carlo introduced Italian Excellence Initiative (IEI) and Italian Class Project (ICP). IEI aims at offering opportunities for the best excellent students to study the prior subjects in Italy while ICP will be applied in schools that cooperate with IEI by carrying out the Italian training and examination.

After the brief introduction of SEU and SFL given by Vice-dean Liu Kehua, they discussed the cooperation between SFL and SDA, including the establishment of Italian Class and Italian test center. At the end of meeting, the two sides reached to initial intent of cooperation.

Accompanied by Vice-dean, Carlo and Beta visited micro-class room, Salon center, library reading room, and foreign language learning center and they spoke highly of the equipment of SFL.

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