Graduation Ceremony of Undergraduates of School of Foreign Languages of 2014 Solemnly Held



The graduation ceremony of undergraduates of School of Foreign Languages of 2014 was solemnly held in the lecture hall at 2 pm on 19th June. Dean Chen Meihua, Party Secretary Ma Qiang, Liu Siming Deputy Party Secretary and Executive Deputy Dean, Deputy Dean Yuan Xiaoning, Deputy Party Secretary and Deputy Dean Tang Dinghua, Deputy Dean Liu Kehua, teachers of the English and Japanese Departments, and all of the 2014 undergraduates attended the graduation ceremony, which was hosted by Tang Dinghua.

In the beginning, Dean Chen delivered a speech and congratulated all the students who have done really well in their studies. She said all the teachers had witnessed their growth and progress during the past four years; she thanked their support and understanding and expressed her ardent expectations for the 2014 undergraduates: they could aim for the highest while being humble and prudent, and could appreciate the society as well as our university. In addition, she expected them to be hopeful and live a happy family life. At last, she tenderly said ‘No matter how high you fly, School of Foreign Languages is always your home, and no matter how long you travel, you will always be the deepest longings of teachers”.

Afterwards, undergraduate representative Chen Shuhan gave a speech. She recalled the memories of the past four years in the School of Foreign Languages. She said “we met here when we were 18 years old and were apart at 22, and we spent the unforgettable 4 years together, which will inevitably become the most precious gifts during a lifetime, and always cherished in our minds”. We could see that she was grateful to our School from the bottom of her heart, and she thanked all of the teachers who had imparted her with abundant knowledge. She said she felt the freedom of academy, power of ideas and gained new understandings toward life.

After the congratulatory speeches, Dean Chen and Deputy Dean Yuan awarded the diploma and set the tassels straight for every student. The undergraduates of School of Foreign Languages of 2014 total 99, including 68 English majors and 31 Japanese majors. They will either further their studies or start to work. To them, future is promising with unlimited potential. It is sincerely hoped the 2014 undergraduates of School of Foreign Languages shall have a bright and promising future.

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