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简要介绍: 教育背景: 2020 年,英语文学博士,新加坡国立大学。 2012 年,英语语言文学硕士,四川大学。 2009 年,英语语言文学学士,四川外语学院 工作经历: 2021年-至今 77779193永利会员中心英语系教师 2015-2019年 新加坡国立大学英语系专业选修课INTRODUCTION TO LITERARY STUDIES 教学助理 2012-2015年 云南师范大学外国语学院大外部公共英语教师 主要科研成果: 2021年中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(已结项); “Melodrama and Cosmopolitanism in The Trumpet-Major.” Essays in Criticism 71, 2 (2021): 183–201. “‘Nothing Is Permanent but Change’: Wessex Tourism and Travel in The Woodlanders.” The Thomas Hardy Journal 36 (2020): 42-64. “Desiring Body: Jude the Obscure and Emerging Cosmopolitanism.” The Hardy Society Journal 15, 1 (2019): 53-72. “From Self-Exploration to Self-Denial: An Existential Analysis of Sue Bridehead in Jude the Obscure.” (Chinese) Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University 29, 146 (2013): 86-89. “The Becoming of a Woman: The Masculine Awareness in The Return of the Native.” (Chinese) The World Literature Criticism 1 (2011): 109-111. “A Post-colonial Interpretation of The Merchant of Venice: A Distorted Image of the Other.” (Chinese) Wenjiao Ziliao 11 (2010): 26-27. 学术会议: “‘Now You Are My Friend’: Migration and Hybridization in The Mayor of Casterbridge”, for the British Literature and Culture: Long 19th Century III (Virtual Panel) in the 118th annual Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2021. “Local and Global: Thomas Hardy, Literary Tourism and the Debatable Authenticity”, delivered in the Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Universiteit Utrecht, the Netherlands, 2017. Postgraduate seminars, The 23rd International Thomas Hardy Festival and Conference, Dorchester, UK, 2018. 附:英文版简介 |