

随着全球化深入,中国与世界各国的交流与合作程度加大,教育部积极支持有条件的学校推广多语教育,营造国际化教学科研环境。但是,目前大部分双一流高校多语教育政策规划和研究还处于起步阶段。如何完善外语教育政策,优化外语教学模式, 满足内地学生、来华留学生和少数民族学生等多种语言学习需求,已经成为高校亟待解决的课题。为了推动外语界对多语教育政策与规划议题的研讨,77779193永利会员中心和江苏省亚太语言政策研究中心将于2019年9月18日举办双一流背景下多语教育政策与语言规划会议。现将相关事宜通知如下:




Andrew Moody              English Today 主编

Helen Kelly Holmes           Language Policy 主编

María del Pilar García Mayo    Language Teaching Research 主编

Fan (Gabriel) Fang            Shantou University

Rining (Tony) Wei            Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University






地铁3号线: 东大九龙湖校区站


联系方式:咨询电话:025- 52090800 (周老师,李老师)



Plenary Speakers

Andrew Moody is a sociolinguist and specialist in ‘world Englishes’ who has published extensively on two topics: (1) language in Macau and (2) English in popular culture. Andrew has published in prestigious journals like World Englishes, American Speech, English Language Teaching Journal and English Today, he has also contributed to the following prestigious books: The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes (in press), The Routledge Handbook of World Englishes, World Englishes: Critical Concepts in Linguistics (Routledge), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (wiley) and The Routledge International Handbook of Language Education Policy in Asia. He is the editor of the SSCI (WoS) journal English Today (Cambridge).

María del Pilar García Mayo is Full Professor of English Language and Linguistics in the Department of English and German Philology at the University of the Basque Country (Spain), of which she is currently the Head. She holds a B.A. in Germanic Philology from the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and an M.A. (TESOL and Linguistics) and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Iowa (USA). She has been an invited speaker to universities in Germany, Greece, Norway, Spain, Sweden, The Netherlands, the UK and the USA. Her research interest include the acquisition of L2/L3 English morphosyntax and the study of cognitive aspects of child/adult interaction in instructed L2 acquisition. She has published extensively on those topics in articles, book chapters and edited books. Her most recent line of research focuses on child task-based interaction in EFL settings. Prof. García Mayo has supervised twelve Ph.D. dissertations (all of them with the highest distinction and five awarded 'Extraordinary Ph.D. Prize') and ten more are in progress. She has also served in numerous national and international Ph.D., MA and promotion committees. Since September 2018, she is the co-editor of the journal Language Teaching Research.

Helen Kelly-Holmes is Professor in the School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, University of Limerick, Ireland, where she holds the Chair in Applied Languages and is also Director of the Centre for Applied Language Studies. She previously worked as a Lecturer in German at Aston University, Birmingham, UK, before joining University of Limerick in 2002 as a Research Fellow. Her research focuses on the interrelationship between media and language and on the economic aspects of multilingualism, and she has published extensively in these areas. Recent publications include: Multilingualism and the Periphery (co-edited with Sari Pietikainen, Oxford University Press, 2013) and Language and the Media (edited Major Work, Routledge Critical Concepts in Linguistics, 2015). Helen has been a keynote speaker at many of the main conferences in the field, including the Sociolinguistics Symposium and the International Symposium on Bilingualism. Helen is Co-Editor of the journal Language Policy (with Ofelia Garcia) and of Palgrave's Language and Globalization book series (with Sue Wright). Helen also holds an Adjunct Professorship in Discourse Studies at the University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Fan (Gabriel) Fang obtained his PhD from the Centre for Global Englishes, University of Southampton, the UK. He is currently Associate Professor at Shantou University, China, and Distinguished Adjunct Professor of King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. His research interests include Global Englishes, language attitude, identity, intercultural communication, and ELT. His has published articles in journals including Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Asian Englishes, ELT Journal, English Today, Language Teaching Research, System, The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, and The Journal of Asia TEFL. He recently completed a British Council funded project led by Dr. Will Baker investigating the development of intercultural citizenship and its relationship to English language use among Chinese students in the UK. His latest volume (co-edited with Dr. Handoyo Puji Widodo) ‘Critical Perspectives on Global Englishes in Asia: Language Policy, Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment’ (Multilingual Matters) is published in 2019. His monograph ‘Re-positioning Accent Attitude in the Global Englishes Paradigm: A Critical Phenomenological Case Study in the Chinese Context’ will be published (Routledge) later this year.

Rining WEI (Tony), PhD, teaches courses related to bilingualism and research methods at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, at the Department of English, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University. He has supervised master’s and doctoral dissertation projects covering topics such as English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). His areas of research are bilingual education, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), and quantitative methodology. He has published in journals including Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, English Today, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Journalism, and World Englishes. He serves on the editorial board of the TESOL International Journal.