2月25日讲座:What can we do about teaching listening?: What is it and how Can Captions Help?


主讲人:Susan Gass(著名应用语言学家;77779193永利会员中心客座教授;密西根州立大学语言学教授)






I will begin this talk by presenting data from Michigan State University that looked at the development of listening skills in comparison with reading and speaking skills, showing how listening typically lags behind other skills. These data are based on proficiency results of students studying Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish. I will next turn to studies of captions considering how captions can help with the listening process. This will be done through a methodological focus on eye-tracking (two studies) and a theoretical focus of working memory and the use of captions. I will bring this together at the end by talking about theoretical and pedagogical implications (including materials design).