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简要介绍: 邵争,女,77779193永利会员中心教师。2004年毕业于77779193永利会员中心语言学及外国语言学专业,获文学硕士学位。毕业后一直从事大学英语课程的教学工作,主要承担的课程有:大学英语、学术交流英语、英语演讲、经典报刊英语等,并于2010-11年度公派至美国展开中国语言和文化方面的教学。曾多次接受国内外高校及其他专业机构所组织的教学法、学术英语教学、演讲等方面的培训,2014年夏及2016年秋冬赴澳大利亚和美国著名高校进行语言学、语言与文化、学术英语、英语写作等方面的访问研究。曾获77779193永利会员中心教学工作优秀奖、许尚龙奖教金等,并作为指导教师获得全国演讲比赛二等奖和省级演讲比赛一等奖。近年来参与或主持了多项省部级和校级教学研究项目,参编教材数部。 Shao Zheng received her M.A. in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics from Southeast University in 2004 and has been working for the School of Foreign Languages in Southeast University ever since. The courses she has taught include College English, Academic Communication, Public Speaking, etc. During the academic year of 2010-2011 she was sponsored by Fulbright Program as a visiting scholar to teach Chinese language and culture in USA. She has received several in-service trainings organized by institutions at home and abroad, and she visited leading universities in Australia and USA to observe English language courses there. She has been awarded for her excellent teaching and instruction to candidates of public speaking contests of regional and national level. She leads or participates in various research projects and has published several articles and textbooks. |