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简要介绍: 教育背景: l 2005年至2008年: 研究生就读于77779193永利会员中心; l 1992年至1996年: 本科就读于安徽大学外语系; 专业资格: l 高校教师资格证; l 中级职称(讲师); l 高等学校骨干教师培训证书(教育部人事司颁发) 教学经历: 采用教材:大学英语(新版);大学英语;大学英语听说;研究生英语口语 其它经历: l 曾任美国A. O. Smith热水器有限公司(南京)财务总裁助理(1997年); l 翻译《近代中国人的生活略影》(2009年出版)ISBN 978-7-80718-447-8 l 柬埔寨商务部长游览南京期间(2010年4月)英文翻译 学术活动: l 参与编写“大学英语四级强化习题集”(安徽科技出版社); l 远程教育的绩效及管理(Cost-Effectiveness and Management of Distance Learning)发表于“高教学术论坛”刊物 ; l 参与编写大学英语(综合教程)光盘学生版(1-4册)制作; 学术倾向: 师 教学理念: “学生为主,教师为辅,快乐学习” Curriculum Vitae Personal Information: Name: Lv Qin Academic Background: l From 2005 to 2008:Majoring in the applied linguistics for Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages School, Southeast University; l From 1992 to 1996: Majoring in British and American Literature for Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages Department, Anhui University. Professional Certifications: l Certification for the college English teacher l Certification for the lecturer l Certification for the Leading College English Teacher (issued by the Ministry of Education) Teaching Experiences: Courses taught: College English (Integrated Course); College English; Listening and Speaking Course for the undergraduate; Oral English for the Postgraduate Other Experiences: l Interpreter for the vice-president of A. O. Smith Water Heater Company in 1997; l Translator of Sidelights on Chinese Life, written by John Macgowan (published in September, 2009). ISBN 978-7-80718-447-8 l Interpreter for the Cambodian Minister of Commerce during his stay in Nanjing in April, 2010. Scholarly Activities: l Chapters in the book “Training Exercises for Band 4 of College English”; l Article in the journal “Research Forum for High Education”; l Some units in the Discs for College English (Integrated Course) (Edition for Students). Academic Interests: Guided by Professor Mo Jinguo and working in the field of the multimedia-assisted English teaching. Teaching Concept: Student-oriented leaning and Enjoyable leaning |